On September 9, 2022, the "Opportunities of the HORIZON EUROPE Framework Program" online workshop took place. The workshop was attended by over 70 researchers, teaching staff from higher and general education institutions, etc. The presentations were delivered by members National Contact Points network in the Republic of Moldova: dr. Alexandru Rosca, Mr. Nicu Vrabie, dr. Viorica Bulgaru, Lucia Ușurelu. The presenters came with detailed information on the opportunities offered by various Horizon Europe funding mechanisms: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), Research Infrastructures
Combining the enthusiasm for a green and healthy habitat with science and technology, the GREEN PLANET CHALLENGE robotics competition aims to stimulate and develop creativity and innovative spirit and provide development opportunities for young people. By organizing this competition, we want to promote both green science and the collaboration between mentors and students or pupils in order to develop the new generation of engineers, programmers and designers. The competition is organized according to strict rules, including limited time and resources. Teams of pupils/students, guided by a
Many of us have probably wondered what it means to be a researcher and how interesting or challenging research activity can be. At the same time, it is clear that great science does not speak for itself and those who can answer these questions are the scientists themselves. We understand that stories about people work best. This is why we are launching the "Meet the researchers" campaign, which will take place between September 2022 and September 2023 as part of the European Researchers' Night 2022-2023 project. We invite young and experienced researchers from the Republic of Moldova to tell
On September 17, 2022, World Cleanup Day is organized globally. This civic movement brings together millions of volunteers, governments and organizations from 191 countries worldwide to tackle the global waste problem and build a new and sustainable world. This year, the European Researchers' Night project in Moldova joins the World Cleanup Day movement. We invite volunteers to join us on September 16-17, 2022 in helping to clean the rivers banks of Bac river in Chisinau and Raut river in Balti. Date, time and place of meeting: Chisinau: 16.09.2022, 2:00 p.m., Northern Railway station of
Being eco is in trend! We invite you to celebrate together via the "Biodiversity around you" photo contest organized by the European Researchers' Night in 2022! Why biodiversity is important? Without biodiversity our life and well-being would be impossible. Biodiversity provides us with food, drinking water, medicine, genetic resources and materials. Thanks to it, we have fertile soils and clean air. But at the same time we are also the ones who have a huge negative impact on biodiversity, through the modification of natural habitats, exploitation of resources, pollution of water, air and soil
On June 16, 2022, the "Challenges and opportunities of a research career" webinar was organised. The webinar was attended by over 55 researchers, teaching and management staff from higher and general education institutions, librarians, etc. The participants of the event were greeted by the uniersity professor Viorel Bostan, dr. hab., rector of the Technical University of Moldova, academician Ion Tighineanu, dr. hab., university professor, president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, dr. Valentina Prițcan, associate professor, vice-rector of the State University "Alecu Russo" from Balti, dr
For the attention of PhD students and young researchers! European Researchers' Night 2022-2023 is announcing an open call for young researchers to become research ambassadors in schools! The goal of this call is to raise awareness about research in society by promoting young researchers, demonstrating the impact of research results on social well-fare and quality of life and encouraging young people to choose a research career. During 2022-2023 several schools and colleges will be selected where young researchers will deliver lectures, presenting their research activities and results to pupils
For the attention of teachers and managers of pre-university educational institutions ! As part of the European Researchers' Night, actions to promote scientific research activities for pupils, students and teachers are planned during 2022 and 2023. The purpose of the actions is to promote STEAM in pre-university institutions and raise awareness about science in society by promoting young researchers, demonstrating the impact of research results on social well-being and quality of life. Pupils, students and teachers of the selected institutions will have the opportunity to participate in the